i finally found my halloween costume
an "innocent" (ya right) girlscout
however i did almost fall victim to
a major halloween malfunction
of not knowing what to wear
for those of you less fortunate
and who would like to travel the road, less expensive here are some fab ideas
all thanks to "LC"
Topshop Cat Ears ($8), Costume Specialties Cat Tail ($3), Free People Opaque Tights in Black ($12), American Apparel Bodysuit in Black ($32), Brian Atwood Alexa Booties, PaperMoon Small Burlap Bag ($9)
Wear a black bodysuit (American Apparel has a great selection), black tights, a black bandit mask, fierce heels, a pair of kitty ears and a pin-on tail. Instead of carrying a purse, use a burlap sack and draw a “$” on it. Finish off your look by drawing a little cat nose and whiskers on your face… and voila, you are a Cat Burglar!
both ideas found here
good luck my fellow ghosts and goblins!
there really cool but im 13 and i dont wanna be cat women!!! LOL