I have been thinking a lot lately about my blog
and if I want to continue
I enjoy blogging so much
I'm sure you're thinking, "then why would you stop?"
The answer quite simply is the lack of regularity
As wonderful as it is to send my thoughts and inspirations into cyber space
I feel like there are those of you who actually follow my crazy journey through this thing called life
I feel like I let you down because of lack of regular posts :(
I think my best blogging is about my life
I know I enjoy sneak peaks into other's lives
I like to see how they live, dress, and etc, etc, etc.
It's just SO hard to keep current pics on my blog!
Maybe I'm super slow-mo but it sometimes can take hours to edit and
design material for the ol' blog!!!
You can't tell me you've never secretly stalked (good stalked of course) a friend on facebook or insta
I only point fingers because I'm guilty myself
confession: it's one of my fav things to do!!
AHHH there I said it!
believe it or not I get so many ideas from others!
The jury is still out
sometimes I just enjoy getting my thoughts into words
thanks for the listen
I will keep you posted!!

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