(photographs by rue you photography)
Personal Style Part 2
This outfit was one of those moments I spoke about yesterday
where I wasn't quite sure it was going to come together
I was wrong
She looks stunning
The game last night was awesome
wouldn't you agree?
Giants vs. Patriots
I personally chose the Giants to be the team I would root for this year so
naturally I was thrilled when they won
Of course they were chosen only because I like
1. New York and 2. The team colors
Halftime Show
Besides the awkward dance moves,
I thought Madonna did a spectacular job at the half time show
I loved her song choices
It brought me way back to the time I was actually watching her music videos for the first time
One thing,
Why hasn't Madonna performed sooner?
Prince preformed before her?
Officially: "Team Madonna"
What was your favorite commercial?
I couldn't decide between:
I think I may have fallen in love with the Bud Light dog because
Bud Light advocated dog adoption.
Such a sucker for animals
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