Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Top 8 Inspirational Items today
  1. dream or reality? by "about a boyo"Pinned Image
  2. courage to do something beyond the norm Pinned Image
  3. beautiful things Pinned Image
  4. patterns & prints Pinned Image 
  5. music: i'm listening to tom petty as of this momentPinned Image
  6. people who are to the point... Pinned Image
  7. animals, don't know what I'd do without mine.  Pinned Image 
  8. i love individuals who take fashion risks. i.e. mary kate and ashley olson @ olsens anonymousPinned Imageas always, i leave you with love...xoxox...b


  1. I don't know how you do it!!! You are always on the go and making new amaze me <3
