Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Where are you at?

image via my pinterest
Where are you at in life?

1.  Work-Starting a career job in a few days.  Nervous and excitement are surging through my veins.

2.  Health- Started lifting weights again.  Feels so good.  Spending more time in the outdoors makes me seriously happy.  I have exactly 1 month to get myself bikini ready.  Eating better to feel better.  You have to watch Food Matters (It's on Netflicks).  You will never look at food/western medicine the same way again.

3.  Mental- I am in a good place right now.  I am more comfortable with myself than I've ever been.  The only downfall...I seem to get really really really tired at some point in the day.  Is that abnormal?

4.  Creativity- Lacking. Period. Haven't shot photos in quite some time (minus this last weekend when I shot some of our hike) I need to -re-charge my creative batteries.  Best way to do that?  Find inspiration in others like here and here.

5.  Relationship- Never been happier.  We are in a good, no wait scratch that, great place.  I am more in love with him than ever before.

Hope you are well
Sorry for the silent spell
Not to worry,
I'm still kicking


  1. I find it interesting that you don't consider religion or God when you did a "where you at" evaluation. Too bad. You are probably missing more than you realize. Definitely missing some gratitude for the good things you have in life. They have one source. It is GOD.

  2. Yes, according to YOUR beliefs "All good things in life come from God." I'm not saying they do or don't or that I do or don't believe in God but there must be a realization also that not everyone believes in what you believe in. I find it extremely presumptuous that you assume so. Further, what I thank God for in my personal time may not be reflected in a blog. I also find it ironic that you have the guts to post a "public" comment judging me while I put it all out there, meanwhile you don't have the guts to even put down your name. If you are so forthcoming in standing up for God, why the anonymity?

  3. Mr. or Mrs. Annonymous, I find it interesting that you being such a "religous" person would say such insensitive things to another person. If GOD is such a defying source in your life then why are you going against the very words that should have been taught to you? You should know that GOD teaches us to not pass judgement on one another, also to love your neighbor as yourself and I will leave you with one last thing. James 1:26~Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless. FYI the next time you try to save a soul you may want to take a different approach. <3 HJB

  4. Can I get an amen Hollie!! Gracias! xoxoxox!
