Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Thank you

I am so grateful for my sweet and thoughtful friend Megan
She is a wonderful lady and so much fun to be around
Thank you for the lovely gifts
and please tell Perry she did an excellent job picking out the wrapping paper

Going to have an honest moment
because quit frankly I'm sure many of you can relate
I was getting a bit burnt out
I'm trying so so hard to follow my dreams 
but yet not seeing the results I'd like that reflect the amount of effort I've been putting in
and like every normal person you begin to travel down the road of doubt
I prefer my roads paved in glitter and gold,
snap, crackle, pop!
Had a great talk with my good friend Jamie last night
I love people who are full of good energy and good ideas
she re-lit my fire

I am also incredibly grateful for my sister who always believes in me
no matter what
although I can't figure out if she believes in me because we are related and she has to
or that she actually thinks I have potential 
either way I lub her berry much

A day to be thankful
and jump back into it!

(not only am I saying that to me, but I'm saying that to you!!)
I hope all is well in your life


  1. sister dear,
    i've told you before and i'll tell you again: i believe in you because you're INCREDIBLE...you just happen to be my seester, that's all!! MUAH

  2. Thank you for the sweet post. I don't think you realize what an amazingly talented person you are AND how much you do for others! Remember to take time for YOU! I really do owe you soooooo much. Thank you!

  3. :) :) :) You better have put in for the giveaway!!!
